Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gives me chills

okay, if this doesn't chill you to the bone, I'm not sure what will. Early one morning as we traveled to Donegal we visited a VERY historical fort. So historic that it has been thought to be built some time around the birth of Christ. Also, there claims to be burial mounds around this fort that are very sacred. I never knew silence could be so loud. That day silence struck all of us. We were engulfed in a doorway to the past. If you couldn't tell by now, I like quotes, so here is another one, "You must know where you came from in order to know where you are going." I don't think you have to be a history guru like myself in order to respect this quote. Nor do I think you need to have a love for history in order to really feel the sense expelled at this particular site.

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